- Employer
- California Polytechnic State University
- Location
- San Luis Obispo, CA. USA
- Salary
- $85,524 - $90,655
- Starts
- Closes
Reporting directly to the Dean of Library Services and working collaboratively with the Director of Special Collections and Archives who provides operational supervision, the University Archivist serves as the primary representative, advocate, and steward of the University Archives, the official repository for records documenting Cal Poly University. Guided by a commitment to inclusive, community-engaged collection development, as well as the California State University (CSU) system Records Retention and Disposition Schedule policy, the University Archivist is responsible for identifying, appraising, selecting, and acquiring university records which campus communities deem important to preserve, and recognizes the opportunity to situate the archives as a site of cultural and social memory. The University Archivist participates in activities related to arrangement, preservation description, and public access, interprets archival records for publication and public programs, and promotes their active use. The University Archivist also provides specialized research services and primary source instruction sessions that contribute to Cal Poly’s DEI initiatives, Learn by Doing curriculum, Student Success, and the Librarian-Scholar model.
Librarians have full faculty status and are expected to meet faculty requirements for tenure and promotion. The typical workload allows for 20% of time to be allocated to research, scholarship and creative activities. Faculty are required to conduct an active ongoing program of scholarship or creative works that advances knowledge in the library and information field or other fields of one’s specialty. Faculty also participate in shared governance and actively engage in committees, task forces, and professional organizations to shape the future of the library in accordance with the goals of the library, Cal Poly, and CSU. Please refer to the Robert E. Kennedy Library Vision and Values and DEI Plan for more information.
Cal Poly strongly values diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the classroom, in scholarship, in the service experience, and in library collections, resources, and programs. The University Archivist position is part of a university-wide cluster hire designed to increase curricular coverage in areas related to DEI, as well as to promote inclusive and equity-minded teaching strategies across the university. The successful University Archivist candidate will be expected to contribute to the university’s goals in these areas, and build collections that prioritize representation and diversity, document university DEI principles and initiatives, and support the development and implementation of critical, inclusive, and reparative archival practices. As a candidate selected through this DEI cluster hire, the University Archivist will be given start-up funds to support their work in DEI and a dedicated mentor will be given upon appointment. Once hired, the successful candidate will collaborate with the Dean of Library Services and others to develop a plan for utilizing these funds for professional development activities.
The other searches are for positions in the following disciplines across campus:
African American Politics and/or Policy (Political Science)
African American Psychology (Psychology & Child Development)
Criminal Justice or Social Work, with a focus on Latinx/e populations, (Social Sciences)
Director of General Engineering (Dept. dependent on specialty)
Environmental Health in Latinx/e Populations (Kinesiology and Public Health)
Environmental Justice and Sustainability, focus on Latinx/e or Black populations (Natural Resources and Environmental Science)
Exercise Physiology (Kinesiology and Public Health)
Metadata and Cataloguing Librarian (Collection Strategies and Discovery, Library)
Spanish Language Journalism (Journalism)
Visual and Performing Arts Education, focus on Black and Latinx/e populations (Liberal Studies)
For more information about Cal Poly’s DEI-Focused Cluster Hires, please visit: https://academic-personnel.calpoly.edu/clusterhire