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- Feb 1, 2017
- Amma Marfo
As job-search season approaches, the topic of salary can often be a touchy one. Stephanie Tomlinson , executive assistant to the Board of Superviso... -
- Jan 2, 2017
- Mary Lou Santovec
Fiore: “Art is a wonderful way to focus time and energy in a nonjudgmental way.” -
- Jan 2, 2017
- Lois Elfman
Thinking collectively is the point of crucial conversation that is needed in order to move forward in a mutually supportive manner. -
- Jan 2, 2017
- Kelly J. Baker
How can I resolve to do anything that improves only my life when so many people are fearing for theirs? -
- Dec 5, 2016
- Amma Marfo
Jamie Piperato is changing the face of social justice education with her company, JPHigherEd . The innovative and collaborative organization seeks ... -
- Dec 5, 2016
- Katie Rose Guest Pryal
We owe it to our students to take care of their privacy. We might never know whose health and wellbeing our discretion will protect. -
- Dec 5, 2016
- Karen Costa
Cottom: “Find someone who is doing the work you want to do and emulate them.” -
- Nov 4, 2016
- Shruti Saxena
Natalie Glynn: “I think the world would be a better place if everyone sought mental health care and learned to put themselves in someone else’s shoes -
- Nov 4, 2016
- Kelly J. Baker
Knowing a woman can be president is not the same as actually seeing it happen. -
- Nov 4, 2016
- Karen Costa
Does your campus prioritize programs and initiatives that support social connections? Do you harness this powerful, renewable resource? -
- Oct 3, 2016
- Kelly J. Baker
I knew that there had to be other stories I could tell about women in higher education besides the soul-crushing ones I gravitated toward. -
- Oct 3, 2016
- Lois Elfman
The LGBT SportSafe Inclusion Program is designed to create an infrastructure to support LGBTQ inclusion in college and professional sports. -
- Oct 3, 2016
- Lisa Mednick Takami
When we truly own our work and we take responsibility for solving operational problems or improving what we do, we’re exercising leadership. -
- Sep 11, 2016
- Kelly Baker
What makes Havrilesky a remarkable advice columnist is her ability to see the struggle and the promise residing side by side. -
- Sep 1, 2016
- Christina Wood
Earlier this year, Mount Holyoke College MA presented its Women of Color Conference. The student-organized conference, which aims to encourage open... -
- Aug 3, 2016
- Mary Lou Santovec
There’s no denying that women’s colleges have played a vital role in our nation’s political and social history long before women were able to vote. -
- Aug 3, 2016
- Karen Costa
How can we better harness the creativity, spontaneity, imagination and empathy of our right brains in the workplace and in our personal lives? -
- Jul 1, 2016
- Lois Elfman
Bailey: “When you have classes where students feel comfortable and feel like their identities are affirmed, it permeates the college campus as well." -
- Jun 30, 2016
- Liana M. Silva
I wanted WIHE to be with you at the office or in class or at a meeting, empowering you and encouraging you.