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- Aug 1, 2017
- Lois Elfman
Dofat: “We can’t give up on any students who want to continue their education.” -
- Aug 1, 2017
- Mary Lou Santovec
Okorafor: “We had tremendous potential to change the narrative as African women.” -
- Jul 27, 2017
- Karen Costa
For some people, taking a relaxing vacation is a no-brainer. Others of us have to, ironically, work a bit for our vacations. -
- Jul 5, 2017
- Katie Rose Guest Pryal
The Indiana rule doesn't go far enough to protect vulnerable students on campus. -
- Jul 5, 2017
- Lois Elfman
Mason: “We’re educating the next generation of leaders—not just criminal justice leaders, but leaders in all of our communities.” -
- Jul 5, 2017
- Kelly J. Baker
Watching Wonder Woman become Wonder Woman made me catch my breath. She made me want to be brave and compassionate. -
- Jun 5, 2017
- Amma Marfo
Nicolazzo: "The […] thing is not to frame trans* people as facing massive deficits or always needing to catch up to their cisgender peers." -
- Jun 5, 2017
- Lois Elfman
A substantial amount of feminist activism exists in the digital space—online and in social media. Doctoral student Briana Barner thinks it is essen... -
- Jun 5, 2017
- Kelly J. Baker
Feminist Fight Club never quite gets to the root of the problem: the workplace is still structured for men's success, not women's. -
- May 1, 2017
- Kelly J. Baker
When I was in graduate school, I was a part of the Tallahassee Equality Action Ministry (TEAM), an interfaith direct action movement that brought t... -
- May 1, 2017
- Mary Lou Santovec
Scholars traditionally have had trouble translating their high-level, nuanced thinking to a broader audience, said Dr. Megan Goodwin . Pop culture'... -
- May 1, 2017
- Karen Costa
In a recent essay , “Can't or Won't: The Culture of Helplessness,” published on Inside Higher Ed , professor Lori Isbell expressed frustration with... -
- Mar 29, 2017
- Katie Rose Guest Pryal
When I was teaching at a university—which I did for 12 years—I never considered seeking disability accommodations. (My disability is invisible, by ... -
- Mar 29, 2017
- Kelly J. Baker
I started Rebecca Solnit's The Mother of All Questions (Haymarket Books, 2017) on International Women's Day, March 8, which was also the Day Withou... -
- Mar 29, 2017
- Lois Elfman
As the curator/director of the Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation-National Historic Landmark, Dr. Ashley N. Robertson uses public history to inform the... -
- Feb 28, 2017
- Kelly J. Baker
Hope gives us a kick in the pants and makes us act; fear overwhelms and keeps us stationary. We still need hope. -
- Feb 28, 2017
- Amma Marfo
If you are in the position to empower students or other young women and gender-nonconforming people in your life, know that it will make a difference. -
- Feb 28, 2017
- Mary Lou Santovec
The movie Hidden Figures tells the story of four black women who worked at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration during the manned spac... -
- Feb 1, 2017
I find that I want to join her, to become ugly and unlikeable to remind everyone of the “ugliness” women face day in and out. -
- Feb 1, 2017
- Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Protecting universities was never FERPA's intended purpose, and it is time to stop putting a school's reputation before student safety.